Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Treat YOURSELF the way you would like to be treated!!

One of the biggest things I have experienced with individuals I have spoken with or clients I have coached is this lack of putting ourselves first. To take that a step further, there is a disconnect in treating ourselves the same way we treat everyone else.

Just the other day a client of mine was having an issue around being stressed. First of all, she was beating herself up about being stressed (stressing about the fact that she's stressed). So my first bit of coaching was around being gentle with herself. Obviously when the coaching went further it had to do with disempowering self talk. The A-Ha moment came when I pointed out the following: "Just like when you are raising your children ... would you be hard on them, yelling and berating? Or would you be nurturing, supportive and encouraging? Which one of those situations do you think would support and uplift? Which way of being would cause the person to WANT to change?"

This bit of coaching was crucial for even me, because it gelled for me a long time feeling which never had a concrete connection. Regardless of how we were raised, we are taught to treat others as we want to be treated...very outward focused. This is a wonderful thing to learn and apply, however, what about starting with "Treat YOURSELF the way you would like to be treated??" Be a model, an example of unconditional love, support and inspiration, by being all those things to yourself FIRST! The rest of the world will follow suit if there is a visual to emulate!

To the rippling effect caused by self-love and care!!!

August 17, 2010 - NV


At 4:40 PM , Blogger Devora said...

Great post, love! Word!


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