Friday, November 12, 2010

A Visit to Refugio

The past couple of weeks have had a disheartening quality to them; as if the coming winter is drawing me in to the seductive lure of hibernation and melancholy. It has me in a state of sadness and disinterest in everything around me. Maybe it is natural to question our journey from time to time and evaluate whether what we are striving for is truly what we desire.

In times like these, a trip to nature is the only thing that revives my spirit. A road trip was in order and Santa Barbara was the destination. Whenever I visit the ocean, I remind myself of the courage and inspiration I hold so dear. Like magic, I become present to the greatness of the world. Is this not what we all live for? Those moments of beauty and passion that take our breath away, those experiences of knowing the jewel of a lesson we have been given? I know it is for me.

There is a peace I feel in my core and even when I doubt, or panic slowly creeps in, it is there ... the groundedness that everything is for our learning and growth. When I connect to that perspective, I honestly become humbled and engaged. A genuine inquisitiveness takes over and the world becomes wonderful (literally - full of wonder). There is no right or wrong, just awe at the intricacies of natural order.

The water talks to me of the power and gracefulness that can co-exist in every one of us. When thinking of the ocean, does it not represent both serene bliss as much as stormy seas? The ocean has no control of its nature, all it can do is BE the OCEAN. There is no judgment or doubt as to the tide being low or high, it simply follows the cycle of life. When we can embrace the extremes of our being as pure nature, we truly ease in to our glorious existence. I walked away with the comfort that it is all fine and good ... I am in the ebb of this flow.

November 7, 2010 - NV


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