Saturday, March 15, 2008

Winds of Change

The winds of change have swept in
And picked me up off my feet.
Unexpectedly, delightfully,
My world has turned upside down.
What wonders await me?
What surprises will inspire me?
The road has become clear.
My vision so much brighter.
My love unleashed ferociously.
This force is uncontrollable.
My head is swimming with desires.
The opportunity has presented itself.
The time has come to fly,
To let life escort me
To heights never before explored.

March 15, 2008 - NV

Monday, March 03, 2008

Like Moths to a Flame

My voice
I believed
bees like honey

I was eager
to share
my revelations
with the world

I felt ignored
shut down
or ridiculed
for my dreams

What once
was strong
became weak
and defeated

Yet the need
still existed
for inspiration,
love and light

My voice began
to burn bright again
causing the hypnosis
of moths to a flame

February 28, 2008 - NV


Once again
Night passes to day
Sun rises burning bright
Mountains stand strong
Sky mirrors a canvas
Troubles melt away
New opportunities appear

Make the most of every instance
Seize every single moment

March 3, 2008 - NV