Monday, April 28, 2008

Cabrillo Highway

Driving up the windy Cabrillo Highway, looking over the edge of the cliff out at the vast body of water. There is no end, the horizon is a blur as water and sky blend together. A reminder that there are no limits, only boundless possibilities; the only guide: your imagination.

Traveling along a road, carved out of the side of the mountains, where no road existed before. A path created out of a vision: the ability to journey from North to South with the coast as your companion. To one side you have the solid earth, strong mountains, lush, vital trees, wild flowers. To your other side, an expanse of the unknown, unpredictable, beautiful, erratic and serene, the magnificent ocean.

In this case, a road trip truly embodies that life really is not about the destination, it is about the journey. Open your eyes, take a look around, perfection is everywhere. There are no questions, only affirmations. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and only you have the power to choose the direction of your life.” So, choose wisely and with passion.

April 26, 2008 - NV

Morro Bay

Pure tranquility. We found a spot at the Morro Bay State Beach to lay our blanket down and spread out. Barely anyone out at this beach: A group of volleyball players, a couple of surfers, a family walking along the shore and us.

A nice hot day, soft breeze, light waves, sparkling water, a solitary bird gliding above – a picturesque scene. So calm and quiet that you can actually hear the music of the ocean.

How I absolutely love the ocean. Every time I am here I feel like I have come home. The stresses of everyday life are long forgotten and peace overtakes you: mind, body and soul.

As soon as we took off our shoes and our feet sunk in to the hot, smooth sand, I let out a sigh of relief and gratitude. The ability to enjoy the serene beauty and comfort of the beach is a true gift.

Every time I am here, the water offers me words of wisdom. Today, the message is literally ENJOY. “Take in the view, slow down your thoughts, connect to your heart and soak in the sun.”
April 26, 2008 - NV