Pearls of Wisdom
Believe and you shall receive.
Conquering your fears
leads you to the freedom of choice.
Being confident and courageous
opens the doors to endless possibilities.
Be unreasonable and dream larger than life.
Being different requires a change.
The road to discovery does not appear,
unless you venture off the beaten path.
The power to move mountains lies within you.
Never doubt your strength
or your abilities to make miracles happen.
Most important of all:
The world is a mirror of all you desire;
Take action in creating your perfect vision.
May 28, 2008 - NV
The Mirror
We cannot see but from our eyelids out, we view the world so easily, yet to be able to turn your vision around and look within yourself is probably one of the most difficult tasks in life. You look in the physical mirror yet it only shows us what we feel is there. This is when we need a truer mirror. The true mirror is when a new set of eyes lay their sights on you. They say the eyes are the portal to one’s soul, yet I believe those same eyes can be a reflection of someone else’s soul. Hence being a mirror.
When a new set of eyes lay their sights upon us, we realize they see something we may not actually realize is there. They act as a mirror displaying to us what may actually be inside of us, what may have actually been there this whole time. Yet since our own eyes are biased we look in to a physical mirror and see only what we want to see or what we believe is there. Our perceptions are skewed and we can continue living our lives with that perception of ourselves. So when a new person enters the picture, especially one that is in your space, in your intimate space, you begin to allow yourself to just be yourself. This is what they see: who you really are, and can point out those things that make you shine, those things that attracted you to them in the first place. This is what a relationship is; it is a mirror. For your partner is not there to give you a false sense of worth, sense of esteem, they are there to simply mirror what is inside of you. Because we may not feel that we shine or sparkle like gold, but there is treasure within each of us. At times buried, at times closer to the surface. And at times, we need somebody to uncover that treasure, but again they cannot see what is not already there. They cannot create an image of yourself if you are not that image. This is the beauty of being in love with somebody; those loving eyes that reflect the treasure that is inside.
January 2, 2007 - NV
Eat Your Words
Love is said to make you do stupid things.
Well, in my case, not so much.
What it has done is made me eat my words.
It has reduced me to a childlike innocence.
Ignited me with a passion for life.
Infused me with humility.
Turned my whole world upside down.
Maybe that’s why when falling in love …
You can’t eat, can’t sleep and can’t think straight.
November 16, 2006 - NV
Palm of Your Hands
Life is full of
Questions and challenges.
Yet all the answers
Reside in your heart.
The tools appear
When unleashing your thoughts.
The power is in
The palm of your hands.
No task becomes too hard
Or goal impossible.
Let confidence and commitment
Be your guides.
To the untapped potentials
In your lives.
May 22, 2008 - NV
The Time to Bloom
A budding of a thought is just that
A seed requiring soil to plant
Love the water for it to bloom
The message sure to fill the room
An idea stays in the abstract
Until action forces it to fact
Time can nurture anything
Giving visionaries their wings
Beauty always lives in the dream
Yet power is born when the world believes
May 9, 2008 - NV