Pieces of the Puzzle
Happiness seemed so elusive
Time felt never ending
Life lacked its luster
Confusion ruled my days
Love entered my world
Puzzle pieces fit together
Answers appeared from nowhere
My purpose made sense
Desire grew to learn
My intention became growth
Inspiration now my contribution
My love blossoms everywhere
June 9, 2008 - NV
Life Before You
I sincerely dread the thought
Of what life was like before you
So many days empty and void
Emotions swirled around in confusion
Everything seemed fine on the surface
Yet my dreams reminded me otherwise
Like the last piece of the puzzle
You appeared when all seemed lost
All of a sudden I could not remember
Where you ended and I began
My reason for being came shining through
Your love now serves as my inspiration
After years of seeking and searching,
I finally found my muse
June 2, 2008 - NV
The Wise Man
The burden of the wise
The weight on their shoulders
So much wisdom to share
Not enough audience to receive
The angst of seeing the vision
The fight to convince the masses
There is no more thirst for knowledge
Learning is taken for granted
The sage merely lights the way
It is up to others to follow
May 30, 2008 - NV