Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Vow

It’s funny but every time I have time to myself my first reaction is to feel a little lonely – but how can I be? I look around my room and see the smiling faces of all the people who I deeply love, who are in my life with all their light and their love.

A song comes on the radio and the line in the chorus sticks out at me. “So who’s going to watch you die?” I burst in to tears thinking “a whole room of people”. I think most of my friends would show up to celebrate my life, no tears, just love and appreciation.

It honestly is a comforting, yet invigorating thought that I know I am living my life in a way which makes me proud. I know I deeply love everyone in my life and never mean to harm a soul.

Earlier today, waiting for my lunch order to take home with me, I was sitting in one of my favorite restaurants, Au Lac. Every time I walk in there I seem to melt in to that peaceful place in my heart. The head chef, a Buddhist monk, who has taken a vow of silence waves hello and asks if I want something to drink while I wait. (Remember, he doesn’t speak, so it’s so beautiful that he can communicate without words). He brings me tea, even though I say I’m okay and I begin to sip on such a delicious tea I am almost taken aback. I watch our Culinary expert monk surveying the restaurant, making sure the ‘clientele’ are satisfied, and I think ‘how amazing is it to bring such serenity to those around you simply by your way of being.

I took a vow right then – to work on becoming that type of person myself. I know I am the calm energy for a lot of my friends, but I want to be that way all the time, even for myself. And honestly, wouldn’t it be an amazing world if we all took that vow? We all vow to put everyone around us at ease? No more stress or suffering, simply a global community working together to become successful and content – not only individually, but as a whole.

December 17, 2008 - NV

Sunday, December 14, 2008


What beauty lay right before our eyes and we are either too blind or too preoccupied to see.

December 14, 2008 - NV


I guess in my own way I have been getting closer to finding ME … meditating in a way on who it is I truly am at the heart of hearts. I am a compassionate soul: even-tempered, loving and funny. I am impatient at times, and always dreaming of far-off places to discover, but that is just who I am.

I have grown to love myself in such a way that is still new and shocking to me. So for as much as I want to regret going through the last year and a half because of the parts of my relationship that drove me crazy, it ultimately led me to this moment in time. I am back to the basics: all of my earthly possessions fit in one room, yet I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I love the way I have grown. It’s funny because I know to some I seem very immature, however I know I am the most mature I have ever been. There is harmony in my heart and a joyful song in my soul. I have realized that my strength comes from places previously thought of as weaknesses. I am able to truly forgive and embrace the impact my endurances have made on my character. It is an empowering thought to know I am completely responsible for the path I take in this world. There is beauty in surrender and freedom in truth.

December 14, 2008 - NV


Freedom was sought
Yet never attained
Cobwebs entangled
Slowly suffocated

A wild animal
Being domesticated
For pleasure

Paying for mistakes
Made by others
Cursing patience
Wishing for change

Tainted and tortured
By Love or Lies
Insanity Threatened
Need to Fight or Fly

November 30, 2008 - NV