Ball in hand
I run outside to play
A solo game of catch
A chill in the air
Family is sound asleep
Dead to the world, and me
Everything is still
Eerily quiet
No other people in sight
I throw, I miss
Ball drops to the ground
Gravitating back home
I follow my only friend
Growing nervous with every step
Something is wrong
I want to run
Every muscle freezes
I want to scream
My cries emerge silent
Paralyzed I watch
Cement pouring in everywhere
Each room a hole to fill
Mom, Dad, Brother
The only family I’ve really known
So oblivious in their slumber
Soon to take their last breath
Shooting up from bed
My heart pounds wildly
Gasping for air
Panic is followed by relief
Just that familiar nightmare
Haunting me yet again
Or is it?
For I have become
An orphan after all
Estranged, alone
Like a deserted isle
Or the helpless little girl
Ever present in my dreams
April 27, 2010 - NV
Live Bait
I weave my weighty web of words
Hoping to ensnare your hungry heart
I crawl along the trap I’ve cast
Inching towards your idle hands
I gently catch your cautious glance
Quivering, shivering with quiet delight
I spin you in a soft cocoon
Squeezing your sensuous soul away
May 11, 2010 - NV
Pandora's Box
Rip off the scab
Feel the pain
Fresh, Pure
Pent up emotions
Once caged inside
Free, Wild
Head is spinning
Stomach churning
Tears escape
Past is haunting
Reality questioned
Confusion reigns
Ghosts and goblins
Pandora’s Box
Released at last
May 4, 2010 - NV
Bye Train
His little heart was beating
As fast as a jack rabbit
being chased by a wolf
It was his first time on a train
All he knew were the faces
Of the people he loved most
We sat next to the window
Securing the best seat
He grabbed my finger
To feel safe, to feel grounded
From side to side he would look
Trying to capture all of the objects whizzing by
“Bye Car”
Between the jerky movements
He laid his head against my chest
His beautiful curly, golden locked head
To feel connected again
Since the chaos of the passing objects
Overwhelmed his delicate senses
“Bye Tree”
Such excitement and amazement
To experience this new world
Moving at break neck speed
Through the eyes of a child
So foreign and larger than life
Yet there was a comfort
As he recognized those things
He saw in his everyday life
“Bye Truck”
Our ride was nearing its end
Exiting, we stood in anticipation
Waiting for the doors to close
The engine roared back to life
We took one long last look
Our hands raised, we waved
Finally, we all shouted in unison
“Bye Train”
February 19, 2010 - NV
The Prodigal Daughter
The horizon beckons for my return
With trepidation my toe touches the water
Hypnotized by my reflection in the tide
This is the closest I’ve ever come to the ominous shore
The moisture in the air envelops my senses
I can almost taste the saltiness of the sea
I stand mesmerized by the taunting motion
Yet with each step closer the separation dissolves
The lines have become blurry in this mirage
Questions now burning, swirling in my brain
Am I simply this bag of flesh, blood and bones?
Am I a tiny wave in this powerful, majestic ocean?
Or maybe, just maybe, I am nothing
Nothing but peace, silence, beauty, sky
After a moment’s hesitation, throwing all caution to the wind
I dive head first in to the freezing cold
An embryo returning to the comfort of its womb
The end has now become the beginning
At long last, I am home
May 1, 2010 - NV
If I ...
If I bleed ...
Would you deny me care?
If I cry ...
Would you withhold comfort?
If I fall ...
Would you turn the other way?
If I create ...
Would you destroy my art?
If I dream ...
Would you shoot it down?
Then Why ... If I love ...
A selfless, compassionate love,
A love that could overcome fear ...
Would you strip me of that right?
April 1, 2010 - NV
Short Poems
Take two steps forward
Then two steps back
Get comfortable with limbo
Since that is now where you're at
To Save, Press 9
I've moved on
Forgotten your voice
Then I hear you
It all comes flooding back
Damn Saved Voice Mails
Sophisticated, Rich
Aging towards Perfection
Awakening the Fine Things in Life
Life Blood
Bright Side of Dark
Dark clouds
Hover above
Threatening rain
Providing life
March 25, 2010 - NV